Recording Attendance/Client Contact

Once a client is enrolled in a client program, you can log the client's involvement in that program through attendance (or client contact) records.

To record attendance/contact, view the client's record, expand the client services and programs section, and click the link to add an attendance record:

Client Programs

You will now see the attendance form you configured earlier, along with the duration drop-down (required) and an optional case notes field.

Client Programs

After saving your attendance/contact record, you will be returned to a log of all the client's attendance records for this enrollment. Since there may be many fields in the record, you can use the scroll bar at the bottom to view all the fields.

Client Programs

If you would like to view the attendance record in an easy-to-read vertical format, click the magnifying glass (viewIcon) next to the record ID:

Client Programs

You can also edit the individual attendance record by clicking the edit icon (edit):

Client Programs

If you have several clients in this program that have similar attendance, you can quickly clone the attendance record (clone01):

Client Programs

You can view the associated enrollment:

Client Programs

From this attendance log, you can also add additional attendance/contact records under this client's enrollment:

Client Programs

Here is an example of the vertical display of a client's attendance record:

Client Programs