Adding Inventory Items

After setting up our categories, it's time to add the inventory items. We return to the inventory category list by selecting "More / Inventory Management / Categories":

inventory items

Next, click the "Add Item" icon (recordAdd) under the appropriate category:

inventory items

We now see complete the inventory item form. Note that if you need to change the category at a later time, you will be able to via a category change utility.

inventory items

After saving the item, we're returned to the inventory item record. From the record, you can:

  • perform a variety of actions, like checking in or checking out the item
  • upload images or documents (like sales receipts) associated with the item
  • view the entire history of the item

inventory items

Under the "Action" section, you'll see available actions based on the state of the item. For example, since this laptop has been marked "available for checkout" but has not been loaned, you see an action for check-out (but don't see one for check-in).

inventory items

You can add images, documents, and associated image/document tags to the item:

inventory items

Here's an image of our not-so-portable laptop:

inventory items

If we return to the inventory category list....

inventory items

We now see one item under "Office/Electronics/Computers/Desktops":

inventory items

We can view a catalog of all the items under this category by clicking on the view (viewIcon) icon:

inventory items

We now see the items under this category:

inventory items