Images and Documents

Delightful Labor allows you to attach images and documents to the following kinds of records:

  • people
  • clients
  • client locations
  • sponsorships
  • businesses
  • volunteers
  • auctions, auction packages, and auction items
  • your organization
  • staff (user accounts)

Let's call these records the parent records, to distinguish them from the forms we will be using to work with images and documents.

You can add as many images and documents as you'd like to any parent record, but to keep the parent record from becoming too crowded, only the three most recent will appear. You can view all the images or documents by clicking on the "View All" link.

You can also add tags to your image and documents. This is a great convenience as your image and document library grows. For example, let's say that you need an image happy children participating in one of your programs. You may thousands of images in your library, but as you upload the images, you've been tagging them. You can then run a report that finds all the images that have been tagged "Happy Children", and you can now view and select the images that fit this category.

This section contains the following articles:

  • Working with Images and Documents (here)
  • Image/Document Tags (here)
  • Image/Document Tag Report (here)