Volunteer Hours: Scheduled vs. Logged

Need to keep track of the volunteers who are meeting their scheduled obligations (and find the ones that aren't)? Delightful Labor provides a report that summarizes your volunteers' scheduled and logged hours.

To run this report, select "Reports / Predefined / Volunteers / Volunteer Hours - Scheduled vs. Actual":

vol hours - scheduled vs logged

You can now set the time frame for the report and your sorting preference: 

vol hours - scheduled vs logged

The report provides a summary for all scheduled volunteers during the specified time frame. From this report you can link to the volunteer or people record. 

vol hours - scheduled vs logged

You can also drill down on any individual volunteer by clicking the view icon (viewIcon) in the "Hours Scheduled" column: 

vol hours - scheduled vs logged

Here we see Ms. Firefly's shift assignments and logged hours for our selected time period. If you need to update a volunteer's hours, click on the edit icon (edit) and you can edit the hours for all volunteers of that shift.vol hours - scheduled vs logged