Job Skills

Need to find just the right volunteer with just the right skill mix for that special job at your non-profit? Delightful Labor offers a report that allows you to mix-and-match job skills to help you find that right person.

To get started, select "Reports / Predefined / Volunteers / Job Skills":

job skills

You can select the job skills you are interested in. You can also find volunteers that have any of the selected skills, or all of the skills. You can also search within the inactive volunteers. The job skills categories are created under the Admin Lists (more info here), and associated with the volunteers via their volunteer record.

In this example, Go Freedonia is looking for someone to help with the web site, so we want someone with computer programming skills and HTML knowledge:

job skills

Here is a sample job skills report. From here we can link to the volunteer record or the people record. The entire job skill list for each matching volunteer is also shown. 

job skills