Sponsor Search

Delightful Labor offers a variety of ways to find your sponsorship records. To begin, select "Sponsors / Search":

sponsor search

You will now see the sponsorship search form:

sponsor search


Search Via Sponsor ID

This search allows you to enter the sponsorship ID. Each sponsorship has a unique number associated with it.

sponsor search

In this example, sponsorship record 10 belongs to Mr. Rufus T. Firefly. We are taken directly to the sponsorship record.

sponsor search


Search Via People or Business ID

You can also search for sponsorships based on the people or business ID of the sponsor. In this case, we will be searching for people ID 1, associated with the people record for Mr. Rufus T. Firefly:

sponsor search

We now see the results of the search. Since Mr. Firefly has several sponsorships, we can select the one of interest. Note that inactive sponsorships are shown in gray. 

sponsor search

To view a specific sponsorship record, we click on the view icon (viewIcon) next to the sponsor ID: 

sponsor search

In the right column, we see information about the sponsored client. We can also click on the view icon (viewIcon) next to the client ID to view the client's record. 

sponsor search


Search Via Sponsor's Name

We can search by the first few letters of the sponsor's first or last name, or in the case of a business sponsorship, the first few letters of the business name.

sponsor search

After clicking the search button, we see all the sponsorships belonging to a sponsor whose first or last name begins with "fi". Note that inactive sponsorships are shown in gray.

sponsor search

We are interested in Mr. Firefly's sponsorship of Sharon Sharalike, so we click on the select icon (select) to view the sponsorship record: 

sponsor search


Search Via Sponsorship Program

Our final search is used to find all the sponsors in a given sponsorship program. In this example, we select our Gold Sponsorship program and select "Search":

sponsor search

We are now shown the results - all the sponsors of the Gold Sponsorship program, sorted by sponsor's name. Note that inactive sponsorships are shown in gray.

sponsor search

This report is also available for export as a CSV file by clicking the export link near the top of the screen. 

sponsor search