The Sponsorship Directory

You can access the sponsorship directory by selecting "Sponsors / Sponsor Directory":

sponsor directory

You will see the sponsors whose last name (or business name) begins with the letter "A". Note that if an individual or a business has more than one sponsorship, each sponsorship will have its own entry. From the directory entries, you can view the sponsorship record, the people or business record, and the sponsorship financials. 

sponsorship directory

Initially you will see only the active sponsorships. If you would like to see active and inactive sponsorships, click the link to show inactive:

sponDir 02b

You will now see both active and inactive sponsorships. The inactive sponsorships are displayed in gray. Note that you can still view the inactive sponsorship records by clicking on the view icon (viewIcon).

sponDir 02c 

If you wish to view sponsors whose name begins with a different letter, click the letter at the top of the screen: 

sponsor directory

If you have a sponsor whose name does not begin with the standard letters "A" through "Z", click the pound sign "#": 

sponsor directory