Adding a New Sponsor

New sponsorships are added from the people or business record of the new sponsor. On the parent record,  you will see the sponsorship section. To add a new sponsorship, click the "Add new" link. Note that any individual or business can have many sponsorships.

add new sponsorship

We now see the new sponsorship form. We select the sponsorship program and start date, and optionally select the person from whom this sponsorship is attributed. Note that at this point we do not select a client to be matched to this sponsorship. It is possible to have sponsorships without a client association. For example, there may be no clients eligible for sponsorship at that time, or a donor may simply wish to make monthly donations without being linked to a sponsor.

After filling in the new sponsorship form, we click "Save":

add new sponsorship

We are returned to the sponsorship record. 

add new sponsorship

Updating the Sponsorship Amount

The monthly sponsorship payment amount is initially set based on the settings for the selected sponsorship program. However, you can adjust the individual sponsorship payment as needed. To change the sponsorship amount, click on the edit icon:

add new sponsorship

We now see the form to update the sponsorship information. In this example, we change Mr. Firefly's monthly commitment from $100 (US) to $85.27 (Euros):

add new sponsorship

After saving, we are returned to the sponsorship record. The monthly commitment amount reflects our changes. 

add new sponsorship

Deactivating a Sponsorship

It is occasionally necessary to deactivate a sponsorship. The sponsor may no longer be able to make the monthly commitment, or the client may no longer be available for sponsorship. To deactivate a sponsorship, click the deactivate button ( inactive03 ) shown below. After a sponsorship in deactivated, all the sponsorship information is retained, including the charges and payments, but the sponsor will no longer have monthly charges automatically applied to his sponsorship account.

Note that deactivating a sponsorship is much different than deleting a sponsorship. Deleting a sponsorship (the delete02 icon) is used to completely remove a sponsorship, including charges and payments. A sponsorship record should only be deleted if it were mistakenly entered in the system, not because a sponsor wishes to discontinue the sponsorship.

add new sponsorship

Adding a Client to a Sponsorship

To associate a client to a sponsorship, click the "Add client" link on the sponsorship record: 

add new sponsorship

You are now presented with a list of available clients. For a client to be available, he or she must meet the following criteria:

  • the client must be participating in the same sponsorship program as the new sponsorship
  • the client must have a current status that allows sponsorship
  • the client must not already have the maximum number of sponsorship defined in the client record

Please see Adding a New Client and Sponsorship Programs for more details.

In this example, we view the list of available clients participating in the Gold Sponsorship program:

add new sponsorship

Now we select Brighton Early from the Holly Home for Children as the client associated with Mr. Firefly's sponsorship: 

add new sponsorship

We are returned to the sponsorship record and see that our selected client is now associated with our sponsorship. Note that the sponsorship record reflects the vocabulary we established for this client (in this case "Student"). More information about client vocabularies can be found here.

add new sponsorship