Sorting Order

You can adjust the order by which your custom report results are displayed. To add a sorting term, from the custom report record, click "Add sort term":

Sorting Order

You will now see all the fields (grouped by table) that are available for sorting. Note that you can add a term as "ascdending" (the default - first to last), or "descending" (last to first):

Sorting Order

After selecting your field, click "Select Field":

Sorting Order

You are then returned to the custom report record. You can continue adding sort terms:

Sorting Order

After previously adding "Last Name", we will now add "First Name" to the sorting:

Sorting Order

Let's assume that we have the following sort terms, but we actually want to group the records by gender, then by name. We can adjust the sorting order by clicking the link "Order sorting terms":

Sorting Order

We use the "Up/Down" and "Top/Bottom" arrows to adjust the sorting terms:

Sorting Order

We now have the report sorted by gender, then by last name, and finally by first name:

Sorting Order

As we run our sample report, we see the records grouped according to our sorting order:

Sorting Order