
You can search for people records in Delightful Labor by selecting "People / Search":

people search

Search by People ID

You can search by the people ID or by the first few letters of the person's first or last name. Every people record in Delightful Labor has a unique people ID. In this example, we will search for people ID 123.

people search

Since 123 is the people ID for Olivia Firefly, we are taken directly to her people record:

people search

 If we attemp to search for a people ID that is not in the system,

people search

 we receive a message and are returned to the search screen:

people search

Search by First/Last Name

We can also search by the first few letters of the first/last name:

people search

After clicking "Search" we are presented with the search results. We click the record select to view the people record:

people search

If we search for a name that is not in our database, 

people search

we receive a message and are presented with a link that will take us back to the search screen:

people search

City/State/Country/Zip Searches

You can also search by city/state/country/zip by entering the first few letters (or numbers for zip search).

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Embedded Name/Address Search

You may have a situation where you only know part of a name or address. You can use the "Search Everything" search to find the people you are looking for. The "Search Everything" searches the first/last/middle names, address 1 and address 2, city, state, zip, and country. It looks for the search string anywhere in these fields (not just at the beginning, like the previous searches). Here is an example where we search for the string "ann":

psearch 11

And here are our results:

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