
Delightful Labor provides you with three people directories to help organize and view your constituents. You can view people:

  • by last name
  • by relationships to other constituents (more info here)
  • by household (more info here)

Directory by Last Name

The traditional directory is by last name. To view this directory, select "People / Directories / Directory by Last Name":

people directory

You will now see a list of people whose last name begins with "A". Click on a letter to view people whose last name begins with a different letter.

people directory

To view all your constituents, click the "*": 

pDirRev1 023

To view your constituents whose last name does not begin with the letters A-Z, click the "#" sign:

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From the people directory listing, you can view the people record:

people directory

You can view the associated household: 

people directory

You can view the constituent's gift history or add a new gift: 

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You can also view the constituent's sponsorships or add a new sponsorship: 

pDirRev1 025

The Relationship Directory

You can view your constituents and at a glance see how they are related to other supporters of your organization. To view the relationship directory, select "People / Directories / Relationship Directory": 

people directory

You will now see your constituents, ordered by last name. The rightmost column lists all their relationships, both from the constituent to another, and vice-versa.

people directory

From the relationship directory, you can view the people record. 

people directory

You can view the household record: 

people directory

You can also view the records of the people that are related to your constituent: 

people directory


Household Directory

You can view your constituents base on their household. To view this directory, select "People / Directories / Household Directory": 

people directory

You will see your households, ordered by the last name of the head-of-household. Note that in addition to the household members being displayed in the right column, the household members' relationships are also displayed.

people directory

From this directory you can view the household record: 

people directory

You can also view the people records of the household members.  

people directory