Installing the Database

After you install the Delightful Labor software on your web account, the next step is to configure and initialize the database.

Point your web browser to


For our example, assuming our web site is, we would point our web browser to

We now see the following screen. Enter the database information you collected while creating your database in the previous step, then click "Install".

Note: if at this point you see a blank screen, a 500 Error, or other error messages, check the following:

  • have the correct permissions on [yourdirectory]
  • you are running php version 5.3.0 or greater

db Install

After just a few seconds, your database will be ready for use. You can proceed to the login screen via the link at the bottom of the form. 

db Install

 You are now ready to log into Delightful Labor! You can log in with the default username/password of admin/admin.

db Install