Soft Cash Relationships

It is often convenient to know if a person is associated with another person who has made contributions to your organization. You may also want to know if a business is associated with individuals who have made contributions. Delightful Labor provides a means of associating the donations of people and businesses via soft-cash relationships.

For example, if John Smith and Jane Smith are a married couple, when viewing John's gift history it would be helpful to also see Jane's gift history. Another example would be a business that has made contributions to your organization. When viewing the business owner's record, you would also want to see the donations his business has made.

You can create these soft cash relationships when establishing relationships between people, or when establishing business contacts for a given business. When a soft-cash relationship exists, you will see the icon dollar. You also have the flexibility of establishing one-way soft-cash relationships. For example, you could see John's contributions when viewing Jane's record, but not the other way around.

Information about people-to-people soft-cash relationships can be found here. Information about setting up soft-cash relationships between businesses and people can be found here.