Honorariums and Memorials

With Delightful Labor, you can associate honorariums and memorials to donations. A gift can have be associated with multiple honorariums and memorials. 

When adding an honorarium or memorial, you will be selecting the person being honored or memorialized from a list you have previously established. To learn about setting up honorariums, click here. To learn about setting up memorials, click here.

In our example, we will add two honorariums and one memorial to Mr. Firefly's donation.


From the donation record, we find the Honorariums and Memorials section, then click the "Add Honorarium" link:

honorariums and memorials

We see a form that allows us to select from the list of honorarium candidates. Note that we can select multiple names by holding down the Ctrl key while clicking our selections. We then click the "Add honorarium" button to save our selections.

honorariums and memorials

We are returned to the gift record, where we now see our honorariums. 

honorariums and memorials


Next we will add a memorial to the gift: 

honorariums and memorials

We select the person being memorialized from the list: 

honorariums and memorials

We are returned to the gift record. Note that for the memorial, we are shown both the name of the person being memorialized and the person acting as the mail contact.

honorariums and memorials